Substance of Things Hoped For!
I know! I know!! I missed more than a week. Please,cut me some slack. I went on vacation(blogcation 😂😂)so.. But I'm back,we're all good.
This post is exciting,I don't know why,but I hope you feel my excitement from over your phones😝.
I'm just going to drop hints,the next "next" post would be a full breakdown of everything. Another thing,please read the Bible verses,whatsoever the religion(it'd mean so much to me. You wouldn't want me to feel like I'm wasting my time.)
Things teens need to know about their faith.
1.)Personal Identity (Gen.1:26-27,Ps.8,Col.3:1-10)
2.)Worship (Ps.5:1-3;95:1-7,John15:4-11)
3.)God's Will (Rom.12:1-2,Eph.5:15-21)
4.)Priorities (1Sam.15:17-23,Matt.6:25-33)
5.)Values (Dan.3;Rom.6)
6.)Stewardship (Mal.3:10;Matt.25:14-30,2Cor.8:1-5;9:6-8)
7.)Forgiveness (Ps.51;103:11-12;1John1:8-10)
8.)Friendship (1Sam.20;Prov.17:17;Gal.2:11-14)
9.)Sex (Gen.2:24-25,1Cor.6:15;7:5,1Thess.4:3-5,Heb.13:14)
10.)Servanthood (Mark 9:33-37;10:35-45,Phil.2:1-11)
11.)Goals (2Cor.4:7-10;12:7b-10,Phil.4:13,Heb.11)
12.)Absolute Truth (John8:31-32,John14:6,2Tim.3:10-17)
The most important thing we can and should know is that we have a personal relationship with God.
P.S.Please say you missed me!😥😥.
And please make the next post all done by tomorrow.
No thanks :-*