Facts! Faith!! Feelings!!!

These three things are essential, a necessity to life.
It is very important to put them in the right order. Some people will go headfirst into feelings,without getting their facts straight and then strengthen their faiths. It's like trying to build a roof before laying the foundation... Sounds so absurd. The right order is facts,faith then feelings. Facts from the foundation, faith rests on facts and feelings come last.

Facts are true,anytime,anywhere. What are facts? Check your dictionary! A fact is true,in and out of itself,regardless of faith or feelings. If it's not true,it's not a fact.

Faith's value depends upon it's object, and the object here is God. Faith is so important even the Bible says,"...without faith you can't please God... "
   Faith,I won't ask to check the dictionary, is simply put as a belief in something. Faith is like eyesight, it must have an object. The way you know you have eyesight is that you see something. True value depends upon it's object,not upon itself. It is not the amount of faith that is important (even if your faith is as little as a mustard seed)but the worthiness of the object.

   Feelings are changeable, where do they come in? Feelings are emotions inside us. Unlike facts,feelings can be changeable. We may feel good one day and be downcast the next. But regardless of how fickle our feelings are, they do not change facts.

  Now,let's see how facts,faith and feelings relate to our Christian life. In the spiritual realm,God had revealed certain facts about Himself, man,sin and salvation. These are the most important facts in all the world for us because they affect our eternal destiny.
  The Bible tells us that God created man and gave him a free will. He could choose to obey God and enjoy fellowship or do otherwise.

*Christ's death is a historical fact.
*In fact, His resurrection is also a fact.
"We did not follow cleverly invented stories...but we were witnesses of His Majesty" (2Pet.1:16).
*The Cross of Christ is a fact
*Salvation is accepting the fact of Christ's finished work...

I end by saying;
Feelings come and feelings go,but feelings are deceiving. My faith rests on the Word of God. Nothing else is worth believing.


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